My name is Thaddaeus but Jac coined the term Thadii to accommodate to my multiple personalities.
I am nice and friendly and I am currently located in GeorgiaTech.
Webmaster Jac.
The Blogging Thadii.
NorthWest Airlines.
(sorry thad, i was bored and i figured that since i was adding the comments thing...*grin*)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Keeping the blog entries short now because of the colossal amount of readings and some planning stuff to settle.
Jac, Wenxu, Mad, I'm sorry to inform you guys, but I'm going to North Carolina before ya'll.
Ski trip planned for the coming long weekend (due to Martin Luther King's holiday on Monday, whee!). Stay tuned for updates when it happens!
One of the Thadii blogged at 12:57 PM.