
My name is Thaddaeus but Jac coined the term Thadii to accommodate to my multiple personalities. I am nice and friendly and I am currently located in GeorgiaTech.


James (ah bear!).

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January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 June 2010

Webmaster Jac.
The Blogging Thadii.
NorthWest Airlines.
(sorry thad, i was bored and i figured that since i was adding the comments thing...*grin*)

Spring Break!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009

Ok, so I'm back from Spring Break...and all I can say is that it was damn bloody awesome. I'm back with a whole slew of new experiences, deeper friendship, and a great tan haha...

I don't know how I am going to compress in 9 days of wonderful memory and experience into a single blog post, but I'll try anyhow. This Spring Break has had many firsts for me...first snorkeling, first deep sea fishing, first surfing, first Disneyland experience, first roller coaster experience (extreme ones)...the list simply goes on...

Let's start with a trip summary.

Day 1: Daytona Beach, view pictures here.
Day 2: Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, view pictures here, here, here, here, and here.
Day 3: Universal Studios
Day 4: Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, view pictures here.
Day 5: Miami
Day 6: Miami, Biscayne Bay National Park, Coral Castle
Day 7: Miami, Everglades, Biscayne Bay National Park, view pictures here.
Day 8: Key Largo, Key West, view pictures here.
Day 9: Home...

Ok, all the pictures are up on Facebook (so go view it if you're interested), and I'll only feature a few nice pictures that I love in the following day-by-day summary. Words really cannot express all my experiences and I'm sure there will be some fond memories left imprinted in my mind that I will fail to manifest in this blog...still here it goes!

Day 1, Daytona Beach

Highlights: Surfing, Ponce de Leon Lighthouse

So we left Atlanta at 1130pm and finally reached Daytona Beach after a gruelling 8 hour drive, just in time for sunrise, which was freakin' beautiful.

We had a ton of fun at the beach, playing in the sand and waters, chasing the seagulls and basically enjoying nature. The waves at Daytona were pretty good, and a bunch of us decided to rent surfboards and try surfing.Surfing is NOT EASY. Snowboarding (which I picked up during the North Carolina ski trip) is a piece of cake compared to surfing. Surfing is hard. You literally fight the elements and 90% of the time, you're desperately trying to paddle and fight the waves to get out to the "surf" zone. 101% shag. Every inch of my muscle could feel the strain.

Every time you paddle out 5meters, a wave comes and pushes you back 4meters, and that's assuming you don't get dragged under and flipped over! Yep, lots of sea water was consumed on this day haha...
We didn't manage to ride the waves like pros, but after 4 hours of wild thrashing and determined attitude, most of us managed to stay standing on smaller waves for a good whole 5 seconds or so =)

And here's the view from the top of Ponce de Leon lighthouse...the oldest lighthouse in Florida...nothing much to be said besdies the amazing view...and meh...a 5 bucks entry fee lol...
Day 2: Disneyland, Magic Kingdom

Highlights: Dreams Come True!, Kennedy Space Shuttle Launch

I've never been to Magic Kingdom before, and when the idea was first proposed during the planning stage of the trip, I thought it would be too childish for me. Boy was I wrong.
Disneyland brought the kid out in me. All my childhood started flooding as I went through the fantastical theme park...Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, The Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves...the list goes on...
Dreams Come True.

Fantastic tag-line. Amen. Watching everything in Disneyland simply made me want to believe so badly that dreams would come true. The way Disneyland can lull even adults like myself into unexplainable irrationality and happiness puzzles me even till now.
The place is obviously unreal, yet everything is carefully engineered to create a warm and fuzzy feeling within you. From the staff, to the life-size characters, to the rides, and the decorative details, nothing here is a mistake. I thoroughly enjoyed myself immersing myself in the exciting and fantastical shows, parades and rides.

On hindsight, it seems so silly to queue up just to take pictures with the various Disney Princesses and Fairies, yet I did it and actually felt happy to get a picture with them. I have to admit that the various actors were so well-trained and played their roles (be it princess, fairy, mouse etc) so flawlessly that it tapped into the recesses of a forgotten childhood, and dragged an unsuspecting me into the capitalist construction of fantasy.

Here's me and Fairy Tinker Bell in a candid shot when she was entertaining me with questions and jokes...more "mini-stories" can be found on Facebook as captions =)
In the evening, just before night fell, we were treated to a special sight that wasn't engineered by Disneyland...

The Kennedy Space Shuttle Launch! I have to admit it was pretty cool to watch a space shuttle launch. It was a pretty sight, akin to seeing a fireball streak across the dusk sky. Here's a short video clip for you to watch it too!

After was the infamous fireworks and Spectromagic show at night!
This is by far my favorite firework picture...not because it has been excellently taken (obviously it's out of focus, I'm a noob photographer remember?), but because of the shape of the firework...
Day 3 and 4: Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure

Highlights: Great Rides and Attractions!!!

Lots of great rides and experience here. Lots of great thrills. I do pity the "tour guides" of each attraction somewhat though...I salute their professionalism and ability to entertain each batch of endless tourists...without them, most of Universal Studios would probably have been boring.

There's a dearth of photos for this leg of the journey partly because of the nature of the activities. Water rides and high-speed roller coasters do not make a good combination with a camera.

Most of the pictures are with Angeline, hopefully I can get them soon...I took really awesome pictures with mascots such as Spiderman, Rogue, Storm, Simpsons, etc.Now I'm going to give a mindless list of ride/attraction recommendations. Bear with me.

The Hulk (roller coaster) is INCREDIBLE (pun intended haha), but Dueling Dragons is even for people who wanna visit Universal Studios take note haha...the Spiderman ride is very good as well...Revenge of the Mummy is a MUST-TRY, MIB is helluva fun, and The Simpsons is extremely good too. Jurassic Park Water-Ride is pretty amazing, Ripsaw Falls is a fantastic water ride (but get ready to be wet!)...and don't ever try Pop-eye unless you enjoy being showered by water for no good reason (which I did actually haha)...
I love crazy roller coasters, free-fall, and weightlessness!

Day 5, 6, and 7: Miami, Everglades, Biscayne Bay National Park

Highlights: Coral Castle, Snorkeling, Trekking, Clubbing, Shopping

So we hit Miami, the infamous city for entertainment, shopping, and night life...and South Beach! But those stuff you guys already I didn't really take any pictures of those. A couple of quick comments...I got a pair of really beautiful Fred Perry Berms for 20USD and clubs in Miami are really wild...there are poles on every podium (no prizes for guessing for what reasons!) and there was even a girl who took off her top and poured alcohol down her cleavage...the bouncer let her stay up there for a good whole minute before getting her to come down and put on her top haha...

Now let's hit the nature stuff instead (but hey, isn't a woman's breasts a, literally, natural topic? wahahaha)...I went snorkeling for the first time in my life at Biscayne Bay and it was simply beautiful to watch the coral life...the underwater view is simply breathtaking and it was rather amusing, chasing the pretty fishes. Many times I reached out and tried to grab the fishes, but in vain. I have to admit that snorkeling might be my new favorite outdoor activity. I definitely will want to try snorkeling during short vacations around Malaysia, Thailand (and hopefully Australia) when I return to Singapore.No pictures though...I don't have an underwater camera. Alan did manage to see a Nurse Shark though...lucky bugger!

We also visited Everglades National Park...which was pretty much a swamp. Cut the long story short, we wanted to go on a canoe expedition but missed the timing. Thus, we decided to trek instead. Boy, trekking through a swamp's nature trail brought back days of BMT. Mosquitoes and all sorts of insects would swarm you the the moment you stopped moving for 2 seconds. We had to suit up and wear jeans, long-sleeves, and covered shoes despite the sweltering Florida heat (btw, did I mention, but being so far south in Florida, the temperature actually gets hotter than Singapore!).

I have to admit that doing the trek was rather rewarding. It was experiencing another side of sunny Florida that most people probably would not enjoy doing for Spring Break. It did help that Alan was a Commando in SAF and he related lots of stories and knowledge of swamp/jungle survival. Certainly, it made the trek a lot more interesting, coupled with Cedric's craziness haha...Now check this out. Coral Castle.
In brief, it's a castle carved out entirely of coral by a single man, Edward Leedskalnin in the 1960s (I think). Till this day, it's a mystery how he did it with simple tools, and moved the corals as well to create such an intriguing piece of architecture. The story goes that he wanted to marry a 16-year-old girl, Agnes, but the marriage was foiled due to reasons of parental objection due to a 10-year age difference. Heartbroken, he eventually made this castle in memory of her...and lovingly refers to her as "Sweet Sixteen".

This is a really enigmatic place. The details of the structures astonish me, especially knowing that they were all handcrafted. Some of the stones in this castle weigh even heavier than the ones found in Stonehenge, and he single-handedly moved them and nobody knows how!

Rumors have it that Edward is a Freemason and had arcane knowledge of artistry, architecture, and engineering that helped him created this castle. If what the tour guide tells me about Edward is true, then this guy is a freaking genious by beating Nikola Tesla to the AC motor, understanding harmonics and magnetism, and for crafting this structure. almost feels occult...with all the astrological and afterlife references that Edward has littered the entire castle with due to his supposed Freemason status. There are carvings of planets, many 6-sided stars, obelisks, astrological observatories, the "π" symbol (that represents afterlife in Egyptian mythology I think) etc...and this is a functional castle too...there's a cooker, beds, fountains, thrones and chairs, living quarters etc!
Simply fascinating!

Day 8: Key Largo, Key West

Highlights: Deep Sea Fishing, Southernmost Point of Continental America

We headed down to Key Largo for deep sea fishing...yet another first for me. Although the day started dreary with a heavy rain, the boat ride out eventually rewarded us with a beautiful rainbow across the open sea where the sun was shining. We saw a couple of sea turtles along the way too, coming up to the surface for oxygen. Sadly they dipped down really quickly. There's simply no telling when these magnificient sea creatures would appear, thus no pictures =(

Deep sea fishing is HARD. Unlike prawning (which I think I'm quite good at haha), it's hard to feel whether the fish are biting due to the moving waters. Thus, it's hard to hook anything. I did eventually manage to start "feeling" the bite, but still didn't get a single catch haha...what did happen though was plenty of lost-bait or half-eaten bait...

Damn fish! Weren't they supposed to be dumb? Grrr...but it was certainly fun chatting with other fishers around us and learning more about fishes, fishing and their catch. One fisher even managed to catch, not just one, but TWO Barracudas!
Cool eh? They have really sharp teeth and can bite themselves free if a normal fishing line is used, thus wire lines are used to catch these nasty creatures instead. When the barracuda bit the bait and got hooked, there was a REALLY audible snap.

Sadly it wasn't the season for Sailfish and Marlins...damn...wished I could see how anglers reel in those nasty buggers as well.

After deep sea fishing at Key Largo, we drove further down south to Key West, the southernmost point of Continental America. This is gonna get hilarious, but nearing the street that led down to the above marker monuement, everything was marketing themselves as "southernmost". There was the "Southernmost Inn", "Southernmost Restaurant", and even "Southernmost House".But this one cracked me up big. It was a house nearest to the monument, and after the house shown in the above picture.
Certainly, it takes the cake hahaha...oh and the dinner we had here at Keys? Seafood. VERY VERY VERY FRESH SEAFOOD. YUM!

Random fact: "Key" is believed to be an anglolization of some language (I can't remember), and means "Island" in its native tongue. Thus, Key West and Key Largo literally mean "Island West" and "Island Largo"!


This more or less sums up my Spring Break...besides the crazy 13hour drive back up from Keys to Atlanta...there is much that hasn't been blogged that will probably stay in my memory forever and ever...

But to help remind myself if I should one day forget these fond memories and good companionship and camaraderie...quick shout-out!

1. Cedric, your trashtalk pwns. "Cock-fee?" Wahahaha...

2. Mingfeng, for being able to spin the most interesting stories out of the most inane facts in the MOST UNCLE fashion.

3. Alan, for rolling all over me during the first 4 nights in Seralago when we shared the bed...zzz...your comfortable sleep was my nightmare lol...

4. The Great Universal meal plan exploit! guys know what I'm talking about

5. Cedric, Angeline, and Alan, for being the best travel-mates for a roadtrip. Let's hope things stay that way, and even better for end of sem!

P.S. this blog entry took a whooping 2 hours to finish! OMFG!

One of the Thadii blogged at 10:55 PM.