My name is Thaddaeus but Jac coined the term Thadii to accommodate to my multiple personalities.
I am nice and friendly and I am currently located in GeorgiaTech.
Webmaster Jac.
The Blogging Thadii.
NorthWest Airlines.
(sorry thad, i was bored and i figured that since i was adding the comments thing...*grin*)
It's Insanely Difficult...
Monday, September 7, 2009
It's insanely difficult to keep smiling and going strong when you know inside you're crumbling.
It's insanely difficult to live wanting that warmth and closeness but getting torn into shreds by the knowledge that the dependence isn't good for you.
It's insanely difficult to see you frantically waving to someone else and secretly wishing it was me.
It's insanely difficult to juggle school, studies, a silly film festival practicum, and a broken heart.
It's insanely difficult to survive on a sliver of hope when there's a mountain of tribulations ahead.
It's insanely difficult to call out to you and smile when I know I will eventually be cruelly led on by my own imaginations.
It's insanely difficult to go on loving you, but foolishly I still do.
Sometimes honesty really isn't the best policy.
But if you think that lying to a broken heart is bad enough, then how does one go about lying to two broken hearts then?
I can't do it...
One of the Thadii blogged at 11:08 PM.